Is Your Storefront Door In Need Of Repair? Here's How To Tell


Your storefront door is vital to your building's appearance and security and is the primary point of entry for your customers and employees. That's why keeping your storefront door in good working order is vital. But how do you determine when a repair is necessary? Here are some warning signs that your storefront door needs to be fixed. Misaligned Hinges If your storefront door makes a noise when it opens or closes, it could be a sign of damage or misalignment.

28 December 2022

3 Factors You Should Consider When Buying Showerheads


When most people shop for showerheads, they focus on aesthetics and finishes instead of functionality. The functionality of a showerhead not only affects your water and energy consumption. Thus, choosing the wrong type of showerhead may increase your water and energy bills.  Here are three factors to consider when choosing suitable showerheads for your bathrooms. 1. Flow Rate Flow rate refers to how much water a showerhead allows to pass through when you turn on the water.

29 July 2022