3 Factors You Should Consider When Buying Showerheads


When most people shop for showerheads, they focus on aesthetics and finishes instead of functionality. The functionality of a showerhead not only affects your water and energy consumption. Thus, choosing the wrong type of showerhead may increase your water and energy bills. 

Here are three factors to consider when choosing suitable showerheads for your bathrooms.

1. Flow Rate

Flow rate refers to how much water a showerhead allows to pass through when you turn on the water. But, the flow rate of a showerhead affects how much water you use when you shower. 

Most people don't know that showers account for a significant portion of their water bills. For instance, most showerheads have a flow rate of 2.5 gallons a minute. Thus, taking a 10-minute shower consumes about 25 gallons of water. If a family of four takes 10-minute showers, the water consumption on showers alone amounts to 125 gallons of water each day. 

Thus, you should consider buying water-efficient showerheads if you have a large family. Water-efficient showerheads have lower rates of flow than standard showerheads. On average water-efficient showerheads have a flow rate of 2.0 gallons/minute or less. 

Hence, a water-efficient showerhead can save up to half a gallon of water per minute, equating to five gallons per 10-minute shower. As a result, the EPA estimates that water-efficient showerheads can save the average family home up to 2700 gallons of water a year. 

Thus, opting for a water-efficient showerhead can save you thousands of dollars each year on your water bill. 

2. Energy Efficiency

Unless you have a water heater in your home, chances are you are looking to buy an electric showerhead. Nonetheless, instant showerheads come with different watt ratings. But, the higher the wattage an electric showerhead has, the more energy it will consume. 

So, before buying any electric showerheads, compare and contrast the watt rating of different showerheads. Ideally, pick an electric showerhead with a low watt rating, as it will help you save money on your electric bill. 

3. Your Water 

Before buying a showerhead, also consider the kind of water you have. For instance, you may have hard water in your home, or your water has excess amounts of chlorine. In either case, the water may cause your skin to encounter rashes or your hair to dry up after taking a shower. 

But, if you buy a showerhead with an inbuilt filter, you can prevent the above scenarios. Showerheads with inbuilt filters remove the chlorine and chloramines in your water. As a result, you don't encounter dry hair or skin rashes after a shower. 

Visit a local shower store for more information. 


29 July 2022

French Doors: Considering Different Options

When the time came to invest in a new patio door, I thought that something other than the older sliding glass door would be nice. That's when a friend suggested I look into the idea of installing French doors. After taking a look at the space, the contractor talked with me about how we could design the doors and achieve the look I had in mind. What I ended up with was actually two sets of French doors with a narrow stained glass window in between. I still had plenty of natural light coming into the space, but I also had the graceful look of the doors. If you are wondering if French doors are right for your home, let's talk. After you hear more about my project, I'm betting you'll want to ask a contractor if this approach is worth considering.